High-Level FPGA Accelerator Design for Structured-Mesh-Based Explicit Numerical Solvers


This paper presents a workflow for synthesizing near-optimal FPGA implementations of structured-mesh based stencil applications for explicit solvers. It leverages key characteristics of the application class and its computation-communication pattern and the architectural capabilities of the FPGA to accelerate solvers for high-performance computing applications. Key new features of the workflow are (1) the unification of standard state-of-the-art techniques with a number of high-gain optimizations such as batching and spatial blocking/tiling, motivated by increasing throughput for real-world workloads and (2) the development and use of a predictive analytical model to explore the design space, and obtain resource and performance estimates. Three representative applications are implemented using the design workflow on a Xilinx Alveo U280 FPGA, demonstrating near-optimal performance and over 85% predictive model accuracy. These are compared with equivalent highly-optimized implementations of the same applications on modern HPC-grade GPUs (Nvidia V100), analyzing time to solution, bandwidth, and energy consumption. Performance results indicate comparable runtimes with the V100 GPU, with over 2× energy savings for the largest non-trivial application on the FPGA. Our investigation shows the challenges of achieving high performance on current generation FPGAs compared to traditional architectures. We discuss determinants for a given stencil code to be amenable to FPGA implementation, providing insights into the feasibility and profitability of a design and its resulting performance.

In IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)
Kamalavasan Kamalakkannan
Kamalavasan Kamalakkannan
Warwick PhD Alumnus

My research interests include reconfigurable and high performance computing.

Suhaib A. Fahmy
Suhaib A. Fahmy
Associate Professor of Computer Science

Suhaib is Principal Investigator of the Accelerated Connected Computing Lab (ACCL) at KAUST. His research explores hardware acceleration of complex algorithms and the integration of these accelerators within wider computing infrastructure.
