Coarse Grained FPGA Overlay for Rapid Just-In-Time Accelerator Compilation


Coarse-grained FPGA overlays built around the runtime programmable DSP blocks in modern FPGAs can achieve high throughput and improved scalability compared to traditional overlays built without detailed consideration of FPGA architecture. These overlays can be mapped to using higher level compilers, achieving fast compilation, software-like programmability and run-time management, and high-level design abstraction. OpenCL allows programs running on a host computer to launch accelerator kernels which can be compiled at run-time for a specific architecture, thus enabling portability. However, prohibitive hardware compilation times in traditional design flows mean that the tools cannot effectively use just-in-time (JIT) compilation or runtime performance scaling on FPGAs. We present a methodology for runtime compilation of dataflow graphs expressed as OpenCL kernels onto coarse-grained overlays. The methodology benefits from the high level of abstraction afforded by using the OpenCL programming model, while the mapping to the overlay significantly reduces compilation and load times. Key characteristics of this work include highly performant DSP-optimized functional units that scale to large overlays on modern devices and the ability to perform automatic resource-aware kernel replication up to the size of the overlay. We demonstrate place and route times orders of magnitude better than traditional HLS flows, even when running on an embedded processor in the Xilinx Zynq.

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 33 no. 6
Abhishek Jain
Abhishek Jain
NTU PhD Alumnus

My research interests include reconfigurable computing and embedded systems.

Suhaib A. Fahmy
Suhaib A. Fahmy
Associate Professor of Computer Science

Suhaib is Principal Investigator of the Accelerated Connected Computing Lab (ACCL) at KAUST. His research explores hardware acceleration of complex algorithms and the integration of these accelerators within wider computing infrastructure.
